Pin Money Due

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Pin Money Due

Here is the regular reminder to all members old and new that pin money at £2 per row is payable direct to the Club bank account.  It is suggested that members pay amounts of £10 (or any multiple of £2) in advance direct to the bank account with the reference of their name and “Pin” and then mark off rows and pay again when it is used up.  It is the members responsibility to keep track of this.

Remember that all rows, including training rows, attract pin money. In some cases, such as GRR, pin for the race day is included in the cost.

I appreciate there may be members out there with no access to direct banking in which case feel free to use a cheque made out to Langstone Cutters Rowing Club and either hand to me if I’m on the row or any committee member - we now have the facility of banking cheques by taking a photo of them which makes life easier.  

Bank details are:

Account name: Langstone Cutters Rowing Club

Sort code:  40-23-20

Account no: 81341944

Any problems at all with this do let me know.