Dear All,
As you see from Steve's posts on the forum, we need to help in the preparation for the Round Hayling Island race this coming weekend. To make it an enjoyable event we need to litter pick on Wednesday at 5pm and help with the Marquees put up on Friday at 6pm. In the saying many hands make light work, please sign if you are able to come and help, even if it's for 30minutes or a bit more. For those that work at these times, we understand if this isn't convenient. But you an help with the close down on Sunday.
Also requested on Frances's post is cakes, these can be shop bought as well as home made, we were hungry for cake last year post row, so I'm presuming nothing will have change this year!
Thanks for your help as we host the race with the help of Mike G. and the gig club....togetherness.
Christine (Chairman)