Puffin Island Anglesey

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Puffin Island Anglesey

Pete Reed
I am interested in putting a good crew together for this race.
Anyone else fancy it?
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

Claire Tomlinson
Depending on dates and what’s involved I might be!
Sounds interesting!
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

I do but I wouldn't be confident to tow!
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

Vernon Seddon
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
I might be interested Peter depending on dates
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

Anita Preston
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Sounds interesting, but would depend on dates
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

Matt O’Neill
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Hi Pete, I’m very interested please, just let us know the dates!!
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

Karen Bakovljev
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
I am interested but depends on date
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

T Way
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
I would be interested Pete, pending dates.
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Ditto on dates
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

Heather Green
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Like others, I’m also interested but heavily dependent on dates etc.
sounds brilliant though!
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

Lesley Grainger
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Hi Pete, I am interested but as with others it depends on dates as I'm away in May.
Lesley x
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

Phil P
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Bit late to the party here but yes interested and could tow.
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

Steph Savill
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
I would like to have a go Pete if not too late.

Thanks Steph
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

In reply to this post by Pete Reed
Definitely me please
Please the date !
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

Alison b
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
I'm very interested but depends on the dates.
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

Pete Reed
The date has been announced as 29th June 2024.
I will start a new thread for this so please post there if this date is good for you
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Re: Puffin Island Anglesey

Rich Beard
In reply to this post by Pete Reed
I’m up for it Peter. Rich