Puffin Island Celtic race review

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Puffin Island Celtic race review

Alison kindly sent me this report from Welsh trip.

Well we had an absolutely fabulous time. I can't thank Langstone Cutters enough for allowing me to take part.

It was an exhilarating row especially as all the puffins/cormorants/guillemots/razorbills/
kittiwakes and other seabirds were all flying around us as we circumnavigated the island. We saw lots of North Atlantic seals on the rocks and they must be twice the size of those that we see in Langstone Harbour.

It was a long slog back to Beaumaris once you've gone around Puffin Island as there's a tricky bit of water to get through.

The atmosphere back at Royal Anglesey Yacht Club afterwards was just fabulous. We had a lovely lunch and everyone was so friendly. We even got a round of applause as the club that had travelled the furthest to get there !
Most of the other participating clubs were from Wales.

I'm sure that the other rowing clubs in Chichester Harbour with Celtic Longboats would really enjoy it next year. I would certainly do it again.

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Re: Puffin Island Celtic race review

I am glad you looked after the oars!

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Re: Puffin Island Celtic race review

In reply to this post by michael
Much wine was also enjoyed
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Re: Puffin Island Celtic race review

In reply to this post by michael
Having done their preparation for the Puffin Island Race, ( Finding the start line, and maxing out on carbs the day before) the crew got there (and back!) in one piece, and saw more Puffins than the locals had seen all season!
Alison checked out the club, Richard the oars, Dee shepherded the boat, and Pete made sure he was listening when they told us that, if we forgot to turn left at Puffin Island, we would need to stop for provisions at the Isle of Man! Once back, Pete and Rich checked we were in the correct bar and reviewed the race results. Note:- not even a class award of a wooden spoon!!! Meanies!

Me, well I’d been round the course the previous day so I just had a snooze in the bow position - as no one else could see me (the cox was too busy working out which rocks (and seals) to avoid! I hope the others didn’t notice!

There should be appropriate photos attached to this but at the moment I cannot see them in my photo selector, let’s try again………

start line

Dee plus carbs

Puffin at speed

Alison at RAYC

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Re: Puffin Island Celtic race review

In reply to this post by michael
....and the originals were all lined the same way up!..rest follow as size too much for Nabble....

Rich herding the oars

Launching SWeare Deep

Pete at Cox's meeting

PETE and Rich checking they are in the right club


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Re: Puffin Island Celtic race review

In reply to this post by nigel
The low tide start and the low clouds look really atmospheric, must have been wonderful.
Thank you for the insights.
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Re: Puffin Island Celtic race review

I really enjoyed reading these, I loved it when I went and I'm so pleased you did too.