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RE: Weekend rowing: Sunday 1pm is probably the nicest...

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RE: Weekend rowing: Sunday 1pm is probably the nicest...

Anita Preston
114 posts
Yes please nigel. Thanks 

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-------- Original message --------
From: "nigel [via Langstone Cutters RC]" <[hidden email]>
Date: 18/12/2020 09:31 (GMT+00:00)
To: Anita Preston <[hidden email]>
Subject: Weekend rowing: Sunday 1pm is probably the nicest...

I am awaiting definition of the latest covid restrictions, but assuming we are allowed to go out then the Sunday weather looks reasonable at the moment.
Wind will be f3/4, northerly backing to northwest, and current forecast is that it will become cloudier, wetter and cooler during the row, so come prepared with warm gear. Neapish tides mean we shall stick to the main channels and probably not aim to cover great distances.
Please note: take extra care about all the covid precautions, and track-and-trace, - especially as we are close to Christmas and it could affect so many other people.

Sign up as usual.

I will review and update late Saturday afternoon

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