Re: Dragon Boat Racing, Sunday 11th June 2017; at Chichester Canal Basin, 10.00 – 15.00

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Re: Dragon Boat Racing, Sunday 11th June 2017; at Chichester Canal Basin, 10.00 – 15.00

Mike Gilbert
So latest is: 

The current committed fun-lovers are:  
  1. Mike Gilbert 
  2. Jenny Glass
  3. Jenny Miles
  4. Dave Miles
  5. Sue Loveridge
  6. Shanaz Schaeper
  7. Jane Davy
  8. Steve Woods
  9. Rachel Norris 
  10. Barry Scott
  11. Teri Baker
  12. Tom Bennett
  13. Jenny Yeates (friend of Jenny G)
  14. Ruth (friend of Jenny G)
  15. Martin Shepherdly
  16. Alan Harding 
Alternates: Patti and Caron...(friends of Jenny G).

I would like to suggest that later in May, when he dust from the Scillies has cleared, we take out a couple of Skiffs for practice on a Saturday or Sunday - I have some paddles (although not the pukka thing) and we can all have a bit of fun learning how to Dragon Race...  drumming anyone? 

Fun times... 

Mike Gilbert
Langstone Adventure Rowing

+ 44 (0) 7767 350 512
+ 44 (0) 2392 451 846

"Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat." Jean-Paul Sartre

On 21 April 2017 at 14:17, Alan Harding [via Langstone Cutters RC] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thanks Mike. Please count me in.

Thanks again,


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Re: Dragon Boat Racing, Sunday 11th June 2017; at Chichester Canal Basin, 10.00 – 15.00

Mike Gilbert
In reply to this post by Mo Evans
Thanks Mo... will be great fun...

On 28 Apr 2017 05:42, "Mo [via Langstone Cutters RC]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'd like to come, will be happy to row or to support, whichever is needed.

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