So latest is:
The current committed fun-lovers are:
- Mike Gilbert
- Jenny Glass
- Jenny Miles
- Dave Miles
- Sue Loveridge
- Shanaz Schaeper
- Jane Davy
- Steve Woods
- Rachel Norris
- Barry Scott
- Teri Baker
- Tom Bennett
- Jenny Yeates (friend of Jenny G)
- Ruth (friend of Jenny G)
- Martin Shepherdly
- Alan Harding
Alternates: Patti and Caron...(friends of Jenny G).
I would like to suggest that later in May, when he dust from the Scillies has cleared, we take out a couple of Skiffs for practice on a Saturday or Sunday - I have some paddles (although not the pukka thing) and we can all have a bit of fun learning how to Dragon Race... drumming anyone?
Fun times...