Re: Ocean to City race

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Re: Ocean to City race

I am interested but it's a weekend away, so will have to work on the other half.

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On Jan 26, 2015, at 10:00 AM, rjnorris [via Langstone Cutters RC] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hello fellow Cutters,
                          I have the slightly mad urge to take a Galley to the Ocean to City event in Cork on the weekend of 30th May and I wondered if anyone else thinks it looks like fun? There are a number of different races on offer but the big one is 28km across open water ..and guess what, that's the one I'm suggesting. The whole event looks like a great experience, it's the Irish equivalent of the GRR with plenty of chances to party thrown in. Take a look at the website for lots more info and pictures.

Sadly enthusiasm has to be tempered by some slightly sobering facts. It is nearly 250 miles to the ferry port at Pembroke which would mean leaving Langstone at about 8 am on the Friday to catch the 14.45 ferry. The crossing is 4 hours and there is another 120 mile drive to get from Rosslare to Cork. On the return trip the ferry leaves at 20.45 on the Sunday which either means an overnight in Pembroke or a night drive back. The ferry would cost about £75 per person if 6 of us can cram in one vehicle...most of this is the cost of taking the trailer as it's rather long!

I am happy to look into accommodation options and make all the arrangements if there is enough enthusiasm, but also we need to make sure we have a workable plan to tow the boat.

If you think you might be interested please post a reply and indicate whether you can tow.

Here's hoping some of your are as mad as me ......


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Re: Ocean to City race

Oh bother I knew there was something I'd forgotten :-)
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Re: Ocean to City race

Steve Woods
Yes, I guess I qualify, mad, bad and dangerous to know? I can wholeheartedly recommend this one! It was my first competitive row !  and a great Craic in Cork ( Thanks Mike,Colin, Elaine, Julia and Jenny ) . Interested subject to availability (checking) and happy to share the driving and towing.

Steve Woods
07876 889 887