Reminder SHANTY NIGHT Supper 18 March 7.30, not long now
This post was updated on .
Don't miss the boat for our Singalong and fish/vege supper with Victory Morris Singers at Langstone Sailing Club, a great evening of singing, food and fun, on Saturday 18 March at 7.30pm. Get it in your diary! Cheap Club Bar prices too!
Tickets are limited, price £10 each. We can't order food for you unless you've paid, so
PLEASE PAY in ADVANCE to Club account by Bank Transfer: Acc No 81341944 Sort code 40-23-20 Ref Surname-Shanty, as in Taylor-Shanty
Or cash/cheque (Langstone Cutters Rowing Club) to me, Frances, at 3 Blenheim Gardens, Havant PO9 2PN, 07443 332209
Then sign up below with the number of tickets you’ve bought, and whether you are fish or vege meal choices. I’m keeping the score, and will supply you with tickets on the night.
Re: Reminder SHANTY NIGHT Supper 18 March 7.30, not long now
As Frances says, not long now. I will need to place the food order by next weekend so if you still haven't bought your tickets, please do so now. It's a fun night with good food, great entertainment and a cheap bar - what more could you ask for!!!!
Marion x
Re: Reminder SHANTY NIGHT Supper 18 March 7.30, not long now
Hello Marilyn, Steve, Rachel, Gillian and John
Sorry for late reply, have been away. confirming receipt of your ticket money....£20 transfer from SteveRachel, and £20 transfer from Gillian John, and £10 chq from Marilyn. Everyone's having fish and chips.
I'll hand over tickets on the door on the night. thanks for supporting the event, and see you there