Reminder about PIN money

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Reminder about PIN money

Mark Taylor
Fellow rowers,
We are so privilaged to have access to rowing in our lovely fleet of boats. As your committee, we do everthing possible to keeps costs as low as possible which is why our members annual subscription is such great value for money.

We continue to run a policy of asking members who row to pay PIN Money of £2.00 for each excursion row in which they participate.

So, on behalf of the committee, please may I remind all rowers, new and old, to ensure that PIN money is paid.

We suggest you make a paymant of, say, £20 to the LCRC bank account, i.e 10 rows, use a tick list to check off each row you have completed. Then pay another £20 when all are consumed.

The bank detail into which payment should be made is
Langstone Cutters Rowing Club,
Sort Code 40-23-20,
Account 81341944
Reference Your Full Name plus the word PIN

This action helps to keep our Subscriptions relatively low, ensures that those who use the boats more, contribute more and aids us in repairing covers , trailers and other boat costs.

Thank you
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299