Remove old benches from boat park

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Remove old benches from boat park

I have put two new benches in the boat park, please could a couple of members volunteer to break up the old ones and take them to the tip. There is also the old storage box (already disassembled). We need this done before the clean up on the 17th.
Thanking you in advance,
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Re: Remove old benches from boat park
I've booked the Recycle centre or first thing Monday. I probably can't take all the waste though.
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Re: Remove old benches from boat park

Mark Taylor
I can come down at about 18.00 Sunday with bow saw and crow bar too reduce to small pieces.  Might take some as fire wood.
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299
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Re: Remove old benches from boat park
That would be really helpful. My car can take pieces 4ft long.
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Re: Remove old benches from boat park

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I shall be at boat park early, I have booked into the tip Mon also, we should get it all now.
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Re: Remove old benches from boat park

Mark Taylor
Benches broken up so all should fit in rear of cars.  Can't help on tip run as on grand children duty.
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299
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Re: Remove old benches from boat park

Thank you Mark, we should manage just fine with two cars tomorrow.