Round Hayling arrangements - don't forget the flags

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Round Hayling arrangements - don't forget the flags

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Hi all,
     I think the timetable below means it would be best to meet at the Boat park at 9:30 to launch the boats as soon as the tide allows in order to row over in time for the race start.
Could crew captains choose one cox from each crew to go straight to Northney in time for the 9.30 briefing and then meet their crew on the North slip beach ready to row to the start by the bridge please.

All particpants must have a lifejacket in the boat and wear it if the race organiser asks them to.
All coxes must wear lifejackets and carry a VHF radio

Indicative Timetable:  High Water Northney 12.20.
09.30 Coxswains Briefing.
10.30 St Ayles Skiffs & Bursledon Gigs
10.40 Jolly Boats and other 4 oared boats;
10.50 Celtic Longboats
10.55 Solent Galleys
11.00 Cornish Pilot Gigs
11.05 Thames Waterman Cutters
11.15 Coastal 4X
Race finishes around 14.30. Boats recovered or moored up and crews off the water 15.30.

The details of this years race can be found in Mike's participants notes which I have included a link to below. It would be a good idea for everyone to read them as there's lots more information in there.
Round Hayling 2024 Participants notes

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Re: Round Hayling arrangements - don't forget the flags

You also need a flag for each boat!