This post was updated on .
The forecast for Saturday is for an overcast day with a light westerly wind. High Tide is 09:45 so we will meet at 08:00.
The new plan is still to aim for the Kench on Hayling Island and we will cook up some bacon and sausages for a breakfast related sandwich. We will bring a stove and bacon and tomato ketchup. Barry, could you please bring your stove and a pan. Could others please post to indicate whether they can being bread, butter or sausages (sliced in half as suggested by Wendy and Stephen). If anyone would like a meat free option, please bring one along.
Remember to bring whatever drink that you would like to accompany the food.
It is not too late to join up for this row. The forecast is for very light winds but misty. From Monday onwards, it looks like the wind is starting to get up, so rowing options might be limited based on the current forecast.
Dave and Jenny