Rowing Diary updated

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Rowing Diary updated

Jenny Myles
I have added diary entries for all midweek and Saturday rows up until the end of this year.

Michael and Pete – please note that you are assigned to organise the next two rows respectively.

If you cannot organise your assigned row, please post a new topic on the forum to see if somebody else can do it.

If anyone who currently does not organise rows would like to do so, please reply to this post. Thanks to James who kindly offered to be on the rota. I have also assigned Rich B to the list of organisers (I trust that is OK Rich).

Link to see the diary is:

Dave (logged in as Jenny)
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Re: Rowing Diary updated

Rich Beard
Wow. Thanks Dave. I’ve got the job without an interview! Looking forward to running a few with Jo. You and Jenny can give us some top tips.
Bad start, I know, but how do I swap for my first week lol
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Re: Rowing Diary updated

Dave M
In reply to this post by Jenny Myles
Hi Rich

Your knowledge of nautical terms and ability to do on the fly in-boat weather forecasting has meant that you are spared the interview process.

Generally if you want to swap a row, just create a new topic on the forum asking if somebody is willing to swap (or take over) your row.

We are down to do Saturday 02/11 and w/c 09/12. Are either of those any good for you and Jo? If so, I will swap them over in the diary.


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Re: Rowing Diary updated

Jo Beardsall
Hi Dave
We will take 9th Dec as a swap for 11th Nov please
Jo and Rich
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Re: Rowing Diary updated

Dave M
In reply to this post by Jenny Myles
Thanks Jo. The diary has been updated to reflect that change. If either you or Rich have any questions on the row organisation side of things, please ask (and I am sure that at least one of us will sign up to the row).

