Rowing Duty changes

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Rowing Duty changes

Hi All, I've had a couple of rowing queries about who is doing what on certain dates. I hope it may be useful to set out the changes that Sandra, Ian and I have agreed for dates up until the 18th May, so that e.g. duty rowers can know who to be expecting to turn up as Beachmaster on their duty day!

Sun 7th April : Nigel replaced Sandra as Beachmaster

Sun 21st April : Ian replaces Nigel as Beachmaster

Sat 18th May : Sandra replaces Ian Maclennan as Trip leader"
If any of the Duty Rowers for the above dates have made swaps with other persons, it would be helpful if they could let their Beachmaster know the name of the person they are swapping with.
The above process could be usefully applied by all those persons who are listed for club or trip-leader duties, so that this part of the forum becomes a handy quick reference point for anyone else who may be affected by the changes. __e.g. Chris for his 'Rowing Calendar'.
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Re: Rowing Duty changes

If I can request a change here please rather than clogging up email.

I'm due to be beachmaster on 12 May but I expect to be nursing a rather large hangover in Paris that day having finished the London to Paris rowing race the day before.

Is anyone available to swap with me?

I would prefer a very early slot or later in the day so as not to interfere with any possible coaching duties with LAR beforehand (usually 10-2pm on Sundays).

Many thanks
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Re: Rowing Duty changes

In reply to this post by nigel
Sat 4th May.
Chris Partridge is organising in place of Chris Bream.
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Re: Rowing Duty changes

In reply to this post by Shellz
How would a 16-15 Beachmaster slot suit you? I'm due to do Sunday 30th June and could swap if you haven't already found someone......
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Re: Rowing Duty changes

Nigel, that would suit me perfectly! It's in the diary, thank you.

Shel :o)

So, diary changes:

12 May - Nigel as Beachmaster
30 June - Shelley as Beachmaster