Hi All,
I've had a couple of rowing queries about who is doing what on certain dates. I hope it may be useful to set out the changes that Sandra, Ian and I have agreed for dates up until the 18th May, so that e.g. duty rowers can know who to be expecting to turn up as Beachmaster on their duty day!
Sun 7th April : Nigel replaced Sandra as Beachmaster
Sun 21st April : Ian replaces Nigel as Beachmaster
Sat 18th May : Sandra replaces Ian Maclennan as Trip leader"
If any of the Duty Rowers for the above dates have made swaps with other persons, it would be helpful if they could let their Beachmaster know the name of the person they are swapping with.
The above process could be usefully applied by all those persons who are listed for club or trip-leader duties, so that this part of the forum becomes a handy quick reference point for anyone else who may be affected by the changes. __e.g. Chris for his 'Rowing Calendar'.