Rowing Events coming up in 2024

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Rowing Events coming up in 2024

This post was updated on .
Here are some dates for 2024 ... more to follow.
These are for information and we will post for interest for each event as the dates get closer.

Celtic Longboat racing Itchenor                 20th January
ESC Boat naming                                     23rd March
Blessing of the Boats                                24th March
Sculling coaching session                       7th April
Puffin Island race                                      Early May - date tbc
Hamble River Raid                                    11th May
Vogalonga  Rowing Regatta                       18th/19th May
Bembridge Gig/Galley Fest                        8th June
Ocean to City - Cork                                 8th June
Langstone Gig Club Regatta                      20th July
Round Hayling                                         21st July
Tudor Challenge                                       3rd August
Wicor Galley event                                    10th Aug
Head of the Ouse                                       7th Sept
Great River Race                                      21st Sept
Eastney Cockleshell Challenge                   28th Sept
5 miles from home                                   25th-30th Sept
ESSC Celtic Longboat racing                        5th Oct
CYC Celtic Longboat Regatta                     19th Oct
Galley Gathering Northney                          19th Oct
3 Harbours Head of the harbour                20th Oct

Mabel training rows
 13th July, 18th Aug and  14th Sept.

I will add a link here to the 3 Harbours rowing calendar for 2024 as soon as it is available so that you can see everything rowing related that is happening in Langstone, Chichester and Portsmouth harbours and beyond.

Please post or contact me at if you have any other suggestions for events you think look interesting for the club.

Please don't post here to sign up for any of these events as your votes won't count and you may still be charged. Each event will be posted before it happens so that everyone interested can sign up.

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Re: Rowing Events coming up in 2024

Mike Lowery

  Spotted the message re transport to London GRR.
  Might a place be available,I know this is rather late!
   I might yet try for a lift some other way .thought I would ask
         Thanks.  Mike Lowery