Dear Cutters,
The purpose of this post is to announce two dates of rowing activity in Chichester Harbour. I am not the organiser of these events, but
PLEASE PUT THESE DATES IN YOUR DIARY and feel free to comment below and sign-up if interested in taking part in either or both:-
As I said, I am not planning these events, so there may be some inacuracies in my descriptions, but the broad plan is as follows:
Saturday 30 September
Plan is to bring up to seven remaining Solent Galleys together for a regatta, probably based out of Northney
Sunday 1st October
A rowing event for all classes of boat to row from Northney to Hayling Island Saling Club (HISC). The plan being that boats will launch at Northney, their trailers will then be road-towed to HISC. Drivers return to Northney, we all row to HISC where we load boats on trailers and then have a celebration in HISC. THe row will be a timed event with handicaps applied, so would be a race, but that does not exclude craft competing at a liesurely pace.
A perfect opportunity to recreate the great atmosphere at Tudor Sailing Club, where LCRC entered SIX craft yesterday.
The organisers will, be posting more details in the near future.
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299