Re: SUNDAY Open Row with Marion, Marilyn, Nigel and Jonathan @ 12.00
When we are unable to attend a duty for any reason, the club expects the individual person to post on the forum and to request and arrange cover. Please post accordingly.
Latest forecast seems to say we might be lucky but winds will be building. Fingers crossed that we can take advantage and get out while it is still relatively calm. Will post again later this evening or early AM to confirm but assume that we are going ahead for now :)
Re: SUNDAY Open Row with Marion, Marilyn, Nigel and Jonathan @ 12.00
I am happy to swap with Jonathan, I have a duty next Sunday which I cannot fulfill.
Let me know Jonathan.
Andy, can just check how we should read the duties - my assumption is Marion is Beach Master, Marilyn and Nigel are Duty Rowers and Jonathan is Duty Junior Coordinator. Is this your intention?
Well, it's not the brightest sunniest day but is looking ok for a nice gentle row around the saltings to me so will be down there foe 10am and hope the wind doesn't get up too much between now and then. See you all down there I hope. Marion x