Saturday 26 July Excursion row 10.00 meet

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Saturday 26 July Excursion row 10.00 meet

 It is indeed the Saturday excursion at 10am, this Saturday.
I thought as many may already have been out for a blast down harbour with Chris from 8am, that we pleasure seekers would proceed at a more leisurely pace towards Emsworth, where we might take light refreshments at the upstairs cafe in the Emsworh Marina.
We'll meet at the Mill at 10 am, and what craft we row will depend on how many oarsmen sign up. (Chris and I will be watching this space to see whether he brings Bembridge over from Northney to join with us, and which, if any, other boats we need to get out.)
Please sign up below to take part in the 10 am trip to Emsworth....I have Teri's name for this already.
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Re: Saturday 26 July Excursion row 10.00 meet


me please lou x

On Jul 24, 2014 7:07 PM, "Frances [via Langstone Cutters RC]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
 It is indeed the Saturday excursion at 10am, this Saturday.
I thought as many may already have been out for a blast down harbour with Chris from 8am, that we pleasure seekers would proceed at a more leisurely pace towards Emsworth, where we might take light refreshments at the upstairs cafe in the Emsworh Marina.
We'll meet at the Mill at 10 am, and what craft we row will depend on how many oarsmen sign up. (Chris and I will be watching this space to see whether he brings Bembridge over from Northney to join with us, and which, if any, other boats we need to get out.)
Please sign up below to take part in the 10 am trip to Emsworth....I have Teri's name for this already.

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Re: Saturday 26 July Excursion row 10.00 meet

In reply to this post by Frances
Me too please!
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Re: Saturday 26 July Excursion row 10.00 meet

Liz and John
In reply to this post by Frances
Me please - Liz but not John.
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Re: Saturday 26 July Excursion row 10.00 meet

In reply to this post by Frances
Frances I will be with Chris and Terri and would be like to join you for breakfast/lunch at Emsworth.