Saturday Row - 23 Jan 08.45am

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Saturday Row - 23 Jan 08.45am

Richard Harrison
The Saturday row this week (23 January) will be down to Ferryboat for a coffee/snack before returning.
Weather looks dry and light/gentle breeze from the south
Please post by Friday evening if you would like to row
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Re: Saturday Row - 23 Jan 08.45am

Andy Mac
Yes please Richard
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Re: Saturday Row - 23 Jan 08.45am

In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Yes please , Marilyn
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Re: Saturday Row - 23 Jan 08.45am

ron and cheryl
In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Hi Richard, Ron and Cheryl for this please ~ Cheers
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Re: Saturday Row - 23 Jan 08.45am

In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
I would like to join please.
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Re: Saturday Row - 23 Jan 08.45am

Ian Maclennan
In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Yes please, Richard.  Thanks!  
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Re: Saturday Row - 23 Jan 08.45am

In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Hi Richard,I am feeling rough, so will not be rowing tomorrow, Marilyn.
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Re: Saturday Row - 23 Jan 08.45am

In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
I'd like to come along on this one, Richard.
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Re: Saturday Row - 23 Jan 08.45am

In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Sorry will have to cancel after all due to family commitments
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Re: Saturday Row - 23 Jan 08.45am

In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Yes please Richard,
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Re: Saturday Row - 23 Jan 08.45am

Richard Harrison
In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Great - see you all in the morning
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Re: Saturday Row - 23 Jan 08.45am

Andy Mac
In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Super row today and many thanks for organizing Richard.
Pretty much a perfect weather window.
Believe it or not the pic below was shot in colour.