With Jane that makes fifteen so three Galleys and at least two GRR crews!
Sadly this amount of activity could well be too much for the "Bananas" but fingers crossed🐋🍌😎 please bring cameras, water, sun screen, sense of humour, muscles etc
To spot Banana seals look out for partially covered areas of mudflats in the region of Mill Wrythe. Banana seals do favour sunny calm days when the mullet and mackerel run together and the smooth hounds are less active. Ideally it will be a neap tide with a new moon. It is suggested that they come to the harbour to rest in August and to avoid Cowes week and who can blame them!
Update - reports of Banana seals (6) last sighted Monday evening off of Thorney Island about 200 yards North of Marker!
Chichester Harbour to Marker or Verner followed by a visit to Emsworth Food Market it is......Great Pies, also bring cash!