Seal Trip on Solar Boat

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Seal Trip on Solar Boat

Mark Taylor
Hopefully, everyone who was planning to attend the Solar Boat Seal Safari on Tuesday 10th September have received an email from me advising the event has had to be cancelled due to the high winds predected. Some have requested refunds and some have requested to re-schedule to Thursday 10th October at 10:15.

As some people can not make the re-scheduled date, if any other rowers are interested in joining the trip, we now have some spaces. The cost if £14 per person for a trip out of Itchenor to Oar Rythe to see the seals hauled out at low water.

If interested, please contact me privately via my email  I will then send you details of the bank account to purchase tickets.
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299