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Skiffie World Championships - Strangford Lough - 25th - 30th July 2016 Update

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Skiffie World Championships - Strangford Lough - 25th - 30th July 2016 Update

This post was updated on Apr 23, 2016; 2:22pm.
Dear All

The next St Ayles Skiff World Championships will be held on 25-30 July 2016 in Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland. 

Currently the following are planning to go some for the full week and others flying out on Wednesday and then back on Saturday.

There is always room for more people especially those qualified as female to make up crew numbers.

So far we have


If you want to know any more please get in touch with any of the above but if you want a sensible answer probably Rachel😎
The event is being hosted by Strangford Lough & Lecale Partnership (SLLP) working closely with the Scottish Coastal Rowing Association (SCRA), and with the support of local councils and communities along the County Down Coast, who will be involved in the arrangements.

There is something for everyone from age groups, juniors to over 60s to mixed crews, with A and B classes in each!

The event is held over the whole five days with each race category being over two days ie heats on Monday and finals on Tuesday etc

At this stage it would seem that the key consideration for those wishing to participate is securing somewhere to stay.

Back in July when this proposal was more of a pipedream, a small group of us secured rooms at Killyleagh Castle, and there is still a bit of space there.

As for cost we would expect people to fund their own travel and share the cost of the castle, entries to the various races and of getting a boat from Langstone to Strangford Loch and back again!!

Flights are currently £60 ish return from Gatwick

I have included some links below from the Scottish Coastal Rowing Association website..............

"See the links below to learn more about the lovely unique coastal area.




"Skiffieworlds will be a colourful and friendly celebration of coastal rowing, the St Ayles class has spread very quickly  with 130 boats across the world, and numbers growing all the time, we would love to see as many of these boats competing as possible.  Please see the contact details for the local Visitor Information Centres, who have been briefed about the event and will be able to help you book somewhere suitable for you to stay in the area that will be close to the launch venues and will accommodate your needs especially if you are travelling with a boat.  It is advisable to book ASAP as the area is a tourist destination and get booked up."


Downpatrick.vic@downdc.gov.uk    Contact Una Savage"

Mike and Victoria have now got more details of the categories and events and we are due to meet up to start the planning process - watch this space!
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Re: Skiffie World Championships - Strangford Lough - 25th - 30th July 2016

No idea about actually rowing at this stage but hope you still have me on the list for a room in the castle as supporter numero uno!
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Re: Skiffie World Championships - Strangford Lough - 25th - 30th July 2016

Ali Copeland
In reply to this post by Timp
Tim - Copeland family will be coming along.  

Having travelled to that part of the world many times here are a few suggestions re travel -

1.  Fly to Dublin & hire a car
2.  Fly to Belfast & hire a car
3.  Drive to Cairnryan (Stena P&O) and get a ferry (cheap deals available now for early booking).  This is how we usually travel and we tend to buy accommodation somewhere north of Carlisle (or in Cairnryan itself) for the night before - as sometimes there is traffic which can last for hours and it takes the stress out. Coming home we have found that doing the entire journey in one day is fine, if you don't mind long drives.

- Ali x

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Re: Skiffie World Championships - Strangford Lough - 25th - 30th July 2016

In reply to this post by Timp
Shelley of course you are included as Chief Coach, tactical adviser and anything else that you fancy😎
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Re: Skiffie World Championships - Strangford Lough - 25th - 30th July 2016

In reply to this post by Timp

Thankyou for that and I hope that we will be seeing the Copeland clan in strength!


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Re: Skiffie World Championships - Strangford Lough - 25th - 30th July 2016

In reply to this post by Timp
Bumped up as an update😎
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Re: Skiffie World Championships - Strangford Lough - 25th - 30th July 2016

Mike Gilbert
In reply to this post by Timp
Count me and Victoria in...
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Re: Skiffie World Championships - Strangford Lough - 25th - 30th July 2016

I will be there ☺.
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Re: Skiffie World Championships - Strangford Lough - 25th - 30th July 2016

Steve Woods
In reply to this post by Timp
Tim, to be sure begorrah. Cheers
Steve Woods
07876 889 887
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Re: Skiffie World Championships - Strangford Lough - 25th - 30th July 2016 Update

In reply to this post by Timp