Southampton Maritime Festival

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Southampton Maritime Festival

Chris Partridge
We have been given the opportunity to take a Solent galley to the Southampton Maritime Festival next weekend, 4/5 May. It looks like a fun event - see
The idea would be to launch in the morning at Woolston, using the slipway next to the Itchen bridge, row round to the site and park on the inside of a pontoon that is also being used by the Dunkirk little ships. We would then spend the day demonstrating the boat, handing out flyers for the club and visiting the festival (free entry is included). We would return in the afternoon.
Anyone interested? I am planning on going on Saturday only, but if there is enough demand we could go on both days so please express a preference.
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Re: Southampton Maritime Festival

Chris Partridge
Well, we haven't got enough people to crew a galley obviously, so the event is off. Sorry M'lud.