Steve Rooke & Len - Langstone Lady GRR crew

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Steve Rooke & Len - Langstone Lady GRR crew

Andy Mac
Hi Guys,

I am putting an email together and hoping that we can get out on Wednesday or Thursday evening for a training session.

Steve and Len I do not have your email addresses?

Would you confirm them please?

ALSO, Can you make Wednesday or Thursday evenings for a couple of hours?

Wednesday could be a two hour slot between 5.30 and 9
and Thursday could be a two hour slot between 6.30 and 9

Also can you confirm your mobile numbers please?

I will then compile a list and email it to all Langstone Lady crew.

07407 - 734609
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Re: Steve Rooke & Len - Langstone Lady GRR crew

hi andy ok for both email mobil 07901787369
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RE: Steve Rooke & Len - Langstone Lady GRR crew

Andy Mac

Hi Len

Thanks for that

Have posted for wednesday 6.45 start.


Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2016 08:31:48 -0700
From: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Steve Rooke & Len - Langstone Lady GRR crew

hi andy ok for both email [hidden email] mobil 07901787369

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Re: Steve Rooke & Len - Langstone Lady GRR crew

In reply to this post by Andy Mac
 hi andy i put a 9 at end of mobile should be 8 number is 07901787368
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Re: Steve Rooke & Len - Langstone Lady GRR crew

Andy Mac
Thanks Len

Sent from my HTC

----- Reply message -----
From: "len [via Langstone Cutters RC]" <ml-node+[hidden email]>
To: "Andy Mac" <[hidden email]>
Subject: Steve Rooke &amp; Len - Langstone Lady GRR crew
Date: Mon, Jul 11, 2016 11:15 A.M.

 hi andy i put a 9 at end of mobile should be 8 number is 07901787368

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