Sunday Open Row 11th Dec 8.30am

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Sunday Open Row 11th Dec 8.30am

Alison Kidd
I'm on the rota to be one of the duty rowers for this session. I can certainly be there for an 8.30 kick off  but I'm afraid I can only stay until 10.30am - I need to get back to Petersfield by 11.00am. So if anyone else is thinking of popping down for a row about that time and wouldn't mind helping out I would be most grateful.

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Re: Sunday Open Row 11th Dec 8.30am

Andy Mac
Hi Alison

We should be winding down by 10.30 so that would work perfectly if you are able to make the 8.30 start.

See you Sunday and please do not worry about cover being needed beyond 10.30
