Sunday Open Rowing at 17.30pm

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Sunday Open Rowing at 17.30pm

Paula Bray
Hi I have swapped with Mark Taylor for Sundays row and find myself beachmaster.  Have checked in and everyone fine with that but as my first time I am hoping that there will be other beachmasters there that can talk me through my paces if there are forms to be filled in etc.  I believe that Hilary Thursby and Brian West are duty rowers??!!
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RE: Sunday Open Rowing at 17.30pm

Brian knows what to do so i am sure all will be OK

Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 12:50:47 -0700
From: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Sunday Open Rowing at 17.30pm

Hi I have swapped with Mark Taylor for Sundays row and find myself beachmaster.  Have checked in and everyone fine with that but as my first time I am hoping that there will be other beachmasters there that can talk me through my paces if there are forms to be filled in etc.  I believe that Hilary Thursby and Brian West are duty rowers??!!

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Re: Sunday Open Rowing at 17.30pm

In reply to this post by Paula Bray
....and don't forget there is a Beachmaster's set of instructions (etc.) in the plastic box. Bring your own Biro as the ones in the box tend to suffer from the salt....