Sunday outing anyone...

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Sunday outing anyone...

Mike Gilbert
Dear Cutters on Sunday we have Club Rowing - with Les as Beachmaster. While not wishing to disrupt our open rowing session, I am asking if the Cutters that turn up, would be prepared to bring the boats over to the Bridge at around 16.30 in order to test our course for the Gig Regatta planned on 23rd June...

The course is a 1.5 mile circuit of the Saltings form the Bridge to the Marina Entrance and round anti-clockwise outside the Saltings and moored boats, back to the bridge and up to the North Slip.. It takes about 20 minutes to go right round.

The purpose is to establish how easy (or difficult) it is to gather boats together at the Bridge and race around the Saltings Course with 2 or more boats side by side...

The Gig Club will be trying to fill two Gigs and if we could have 2 Galleys (or even an Adventure Gig) it would  help us understand what we have to do to Marshal it effectively... A Rib will be on the water trying to maintain some order... and we will be using VHF radios to communicate with the boats - we have 5 provided by the Gig Club and LAR.

So please let me know if you can help... .