Thames great river race - September

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Thames great river race - September

Steve F
Has an email been sent out regarding this as we have not received anything and are interested. Thanks, Ally and SteveTt
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Re: Thames great river race - September


Hi Steve and Ally

An email was sent to all members about a week ago.  If you let me have your email address I can email you out the letter.

All good wishes


From: Steve F [via Langstone Cutters RC] <ml-node+[hidden email]>
Sent: 05 April 2017 20:52
To: RichardH
Subject: Thames great river race - September
Has an email been sent out regarding this as we have not received anything and are interested. Thanks, Ally and SteveTt

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Re: Thames great river race - September

I'd be grateful if you could also send me the letter, in PDF format, as I am unable to read ms word docs on my computer.