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Thank you for helping at Open day

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Thank you for helping at Open day

Richard Harrison
18 posts
Can I say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped at the Open Day today.  It was a brilliant day with 31 people signing waiver forms to row (4 of them juniors, 27 adults)so very successful in numerical terms too.  Everyone who came really enjoyed themselves.  Thank you to those who rowed, coxed, made cakes, helped with catering, launching/recovering boats, bringing the skiff over, inviting people and doing publicity, talking to guests etc.   It was a real team effort so thank you for making it so successful.  we have recruited one new member and about 15 membership packs were taken
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Re: Thank you for helping at Open day

Andy Mac
1431 posts
Big thanks and well done you Richard.
Super turn out and great to see so many new faces.
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Re: Thank you for helping at Open day

195 posts
In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Well done to the organisers (and the organised!)! - was an absolute pleasure to be involved today.
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Re: Thank you for helping at Open day

1547 posts
In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
I concur Richard it was a lovely day , well done everyone .