Thank you from Emsworth Slipper

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Thank you from Emsworth Slipper

Mark Taylor
Dear Michael and all in the Cutters,
Thank you for bringing SWeare Deep and Langstone Lady over to Emsworth Slipper yesterday for the launch of Slipper Spirit. I can only appologise that I did not really have much time to chat with many of you.

Having been appointed as Rowing Captain at ESSC, yesterday was a tad busy for me.

As I mentioned in my speech, all at ESSC are immensely grateful for the help and guidance given to the new rowers from the club that have joined LCRC. Let us hopethat many of them stay with us into the future for the great rowing that takes place at Langstone.

ESSC will be entering the Celtic Regatta at CYC on 28 OCt so look forward to competing against you all and drinking with you afterwards
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299
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Re: Thank you from Emsworth Slipper

Matt O’Neill
This post was updated on .
It was a really lovely morning and ceremony Mark, thank you for the invite, and so nice to see so many other clubs welcoming her to the water as well.

Slipper Spirit is a lovely boat and looked really nice in Green very much gleaming in the Autumn sunlight. I’m sure she’ll be a force to be reckoned with in races to come…..
P.S. liked her dolly trailer too..(hint hint!!)