Thursday row - lost Cutters zip-up jacket

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Thursday row - lost Cutters zip-up jacket

Did anyone accidentally pick up my black zip-up Langstone Cutters jacket at the end of the row on Thursday. It's got my initials and/or postcode on the collar tag.
 When I transferred to the 2nd Galley at the Ferryboat I left my gear on the first Galley. Somebody kindly transferred my bag etc out of it at the end of play, but the jacket did not appear. It had been left on the No. 2 position seat.

P.S. Many thanks to all who turned up for this row and made it so enjoyable! It wasn't just the weather (so blue!)
 that was perfect,
        it was the company too!
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Re: Thursday row - lost Cutters zip-up jacket

Geoff 1/-
Hi Nigel. Somebody put your jacket in my bag. Geoff