The one we use for sailing is Northney Marina. They produce their own version including Summer time and a Langstone/Northney variation. This currently only available as a printed booklet but we have always got it for free at their reception counter.
Emsworth has a printed version for Emsworth available from the Square newspaper shop.
The best on line national facility is at the link. is the .National Tide and Sea Level Facility', this is the combined knowledge of all the UK tidal authorities. Its free and covers the whole Nation.
All tide tables are mathematical predictions and do not take into account the daily weather conditions. The joy of the Portsmouth site is that it shows the Portsmouth Tide gauge and how the tide is performing in real-time, with a 15 minute delay. This enables information as to whether the tide is above or below the prediction. The local weather can change the tide height by 0.5 of a metre and delay/advance high water by up to an hour.