Initiated by Rachel, prior to 60+ mph winds on THursday. Please could we arrange for around eight of us to tow Mabel and Gladya ashore , place on road trailers and park in boat park. We are expecting very high winds by Thursday and we need to get boats off their moorings. We could not do on Sunday as Harbour was already full of water 1.5 hours prior to hight tide. No beach to place trailer and winch boats on.
So could around eight of us be at Langstone at 09.30 Monday to tow both boats ashore and put in trailers. HW is 11.53 at 4.9 Mtrs. SHould be easy to do at this time, whe need around eight of us to push the trailer and boat up the slope.
Please sign up if you can help.
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299