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Update on the Christmas do – PLEASE READ!!

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Update on the Christmas do – PLEASE READ!!

Matt O’Neill
1093 posts
Dear fellow Christmas party goers,

Unfortunately, due to the Royal Oak being a bit of a pain (as well what seems to be new management and staff), I now have to ask you all for the remainder of your Christmas meal money please.

A handful of you have already paid me in full (many thanks), some of you have paid your deposit of £5.00 per person, and some have yet to pay me anything.
The request from the pub has been that we pay in full, by Monday 7th November at the very latest, along with all our menu choices.

For those of you that have already paid the £5.00 deposit, the sum of £16.00 per person is still owed please. If you haven’t yet paid anything then it’s £21.00pp owed please. Where applicable please don’t forget to include extra for the Slow-Cooked Beef Rib (£2 extra) and Cheeseboard (£1 extra), should you be ordering these.

I really would prefer cash please to save any confusion, and will be at most of the rows from this Saturday onwards. However, if it really does look like you can’t get the money to me in time, please let me know and we can sort something out, (such as me giving you my bank details or my address for you to drop the cash off at).

As you all know it is buy your own drinks on the night. There is a 20% discount off for anyone who wishes to purchase a bottle of wine before 31st October. However, could I please ask that you arrange and purchase this directly with the staff at the Royal Oak, as their wine list is rather large (38 bottles to choose from), with all range of prices, and I don’t wish to be confusing the issue and collecting money for this as well…many thanks!

Lastly, please also don’t forget I need all your menu choices by the 7th November.

So far we have 41 Cutters and guests on the list, with I hope, a few more “yes’” still to come from old and new members alike!! If we can get to 65ish, they will close the whole pub for us!!

Here’s to a great night, and thanks for all your help and understanding with this.


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Re: Update on the Christmas do – PLEASE READ!!

562 posts
Well done Matt
Not the best job to get !!!
Last week I asked for two more tickets can I add another on that please so thats 4 altogether
Will bring you some money tomorrow (Saturday ) sort the balance next week with full menus choices
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Re: Update on the Christmas do – PLEASE READ!!

899 posts
In reply to this post by Matt O’Neill
Marcus and I paid you in full on Saturday. Will let you know our food choices presently.  Well done for organising. Christine
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Re: Update on the Christmas do – PLEASE READ!!

Andy Mac
1431 posts
In reply to this post by Matt O’Neill
Big Thanks and well done you for organising Matt.