Winter Rowing Workshop

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Winter Rowing Workshop

Mike Gilbert
... It was suggested at the recent Committee Meeting that I ran a 'refresher' on Winter Rowing - for those new to the Club and not used to cold weather rowing and the implications on rowers.

It was intended to do it on Sunday, but sadly/happily I have a Client to attend too  - so I wondered if those interested would meet at at the No 21 around 12.00 on Saturday the 13th instead and I will go though the issues. Then those who want to can go for a paddle with Les in his row to practice some of what we have learned?

Please let me know if you want to come along by replying here...

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Re: Winter Rowing Workshop

Mike Gilbert
Sorry its Paul's row at 14.00... I looked at the wrong week...
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Re: Winter Rowing Workshop

In reply to this post by Mike Gilbert
Mike how long is the talking bit? Surely not 2 hours! If it was nearer the 2 pm start that may help time management issues on a Saturday.  Or even when we get back !!
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Re: Winter Rowing Workshop

Mike Gilbert

No 30-40 minutes talk no then rowing....

On 12 Dec 2014 12:15, "Christine [via Langstone Cutters RC]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Mike how long is the talking bit? Surely not 2 hours! If it was nearer the 2 pm start that may help time management issues on a Saturday.  Or even when we get back !!

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Re: Winter Rowing Workshop

In reply to this post by Mike Gilbert
Hi Mike,
The hard copy slides on the Winter Rowing Workshop looked promising and probably just what we all need to ensure safety in the club when rowing in the cold season. Unfortunately I cannot do this Saturday so may I suggest early in Jan/Feb as it is so close to Christmas.
Thanks for the effort.
Richard Thrift