World record attempt

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World record attempt

Langstone Sailing are participating in a world record sail. It's Barts challenge. He was sailor who died in Americas cup challenge. The need an independent adjudicator. 21 September. From 10 -12. It needs to somebody with no connection to sailing club. You will be on boat counting boats who finish. Geoff. If you can do it please email me at
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Re: World record attempt

Mike Gilbert

...count (ha ha)!

Mike Gilbert
Langstone Adventure Rowing
m 07767 350512

On 31 Aug 2014 23:42, "Geoff [via Langstone Cutters RC]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Langstone Sailing are participating in a world record sail. It's Barts challenge. He was sailor who died in Americas cup challenge. The need an independent adjudicator. 21 September. From 10 -12. It needs to somebody with no connection to sailing club. You will be on boat counting boats who finish. Geoff. If you can do it please email me at [hidden email]

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