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Re: The Blessing of the Boats Ceremony Sunday March 22nd

Posted by Nigel on Mar 15, 2015; 11:02pm
URL: http://langstone-cutters-rc.175.s1.nabble.com/The-Blessing-of-the-Boats-Ceremony-Sunday-March-22nd-tp3410p3431.html

Could we get around the problem by arranging the Rector to do his job a bit earlier, before the height of tide makes life difficult??? Then we can all go out rowing until the tide drops to a convenient level for use of the dollies and trolleys on our return............!

By the way, I think that Les may be being a bit cautious in the tidal prediction for Sunday. The Admiralty predict a 5.2 metre tide, {with a range of between 4.6 and 4.9 metres!}
   The moon, however, isn't at its closest when the maximum local tidal effects are noted (-usually they are about two to three days later.) viz. this month the Moon's closest distance is predicted as:-
       Thursday Mar 19   7:29 PM 357,578 km 222,189 mi  {tidal range 4.3 metres}
but on Sunday Mar 22                                                               {tidal range ca. 4.6 to 4.9 metres}

though this isn't its closest for this year. We had a closer approach in February....
        Thursday  Feb 19 7:22 AM 357,006 km 221,833 mi

and the closest it will come this year is in September.....
        Monday    Sep 28 2:54 AM 356,882 km 221,756 mi

so I hope that the midweek row organiser for that week in September will take full advantage and schedule a Wednesday row which takes full advantage of the (likely) extreme tidal range !!!