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Sculling coaching at Langstone over Easter w/e

Posted by Victoria Holliday on Apr 02, 2015; 12:07pm
URL: http://langstone-cutters-rc.175.s1.nabble.com/Sculling-coaching-at-Langstone-over-Easter-w-e-tp3601.html

Mike and I have moved the sculling coaching this weekend to Langstone and had to change times to fit in with tides. Hope this is ok.
Details are as follows. Let me know if yiu need to make changes  07557054629

Friday 3rd
Annika, Claudia and Katy

Saturday 4th
12-1.30 Annika and Claudia
1.45-2.15 Katy and Stuart

Sun 5th
Annika and Claudia

Monday 6th
1-2.30 Kieran space for one more