RE: Sunday/Monday Easter Mermaid Egg hunt?
Posted by
Jenny on
Apr 02, 2015; 5:16pm
Hi Steve just confirming I'm bringing Jack. Just trying to get hold of a life jacket.
Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone
---- Steve Woods [via Langstone Cutters RC] wrote ----
Traditionally the Cutters have in the past organised a Easter egg hunt on the Northney shore accessed by the boats. Jenny and myself are proposing to incorporate this into the Sunday Row or additionally on Monday (weather dependant). Please register your interest
in this event, children of all ages welcome, suffice to say all under 18's must have a lifejacket/buoyancy jacket and a parent/guardian present and disclaimers completed.
We will confirm details Friday pm.
Happy Easter/Celebrations/Considerations/Reflections and welcome to British Summer Time, we are so fortunate to be able to access these harbours and enjoy the Natural History and Beauty!.
More Rowing ! please look out for the forthcoming events and invite friends and family.
Row on .....
Steve and Jenny