Cutters Christmas meal from 6.30pm Thursday 12th December
Posted by Sue Loveridge on Oct 24, 2024; 3:37pm
A chance to meet, chat and celebrate with the club at our favourite pub
75 places, partners welcome. Apologies to members of other clubs for date clash but unavoidable
Prices include tips
Please pay into Cutters account and label it xmas meal
2 course £25
3 courses £29
Please inform of any dietary requirements, gluten free and vegan options available
Baked camembert
King prawn salad
Roast Turkey
Salmon Hollandaise
Mushroom Bourguignon Wellington Vegetarian or Vegan options
Christmas pudding
Limoncello and Raspberry Tart
Gold Chocolate Cheesecake
Chocolate fondant with brandy and mincepie sauce
House wines can be ordered in advance £20.49 a bottle. Other wines can be ordered on the evening
Red Cabernet Sauvignon El pico Chile
White Sauvignon Blanc El pico Chile
Rose Zinfandel Rose 3 Pebble Bay USA
Please email me with your choices and make payments to the club.
PS Don't forget the prosecco offer ending at the end of October.
Looking forward to seeing you all. Sue