Posted by
Mark Taylor on
Nov 27, 2024; 4:56pm
Status on this as of Wed 10 Dec is that it looks like 14 of us are interested in attending. I am aware that December can be a busy month, but I though more members might want to come along and look at facilities of LSC in Daylight. All are still very welcome. However, I do not propose we now road-tow a Claydon to LSC, we just row the Celtic and a Galley over there . We would need to take celtic dolly over to LSC to do launch and recovery exercise, does anyone have a vehicle big enough to take? See you all at 08:30 by the mill to row over or walk to LSC.
Following the EGM held in September, continued discussion of possible future cooperation between LCRC and LSC was asked to be undertaken. A joint working group has been formed and one of the actions that came out of a meeting held on 26 Novmeber was as follows:-
LSC would like to invite LCRC to bring boats over to LSC on Saturday 14 December to do the following:-
1- Trial launch and recovery of boats using LSC slipways and pontoon
2- Take a boat across the road and launch directly into Chi Harbour
3- Look around the LSC compound to understand where LCRC rowing craft and trailers could be parked
4- Understand plans for a 40 foot container to store rowing equipment and for refurbishing
Solent Galleys under cover.
5- Look at club facilities, showers, bar, galley, pontoon, car park
6- Get idea of how much more access there is to water for longer launch times either side of HW
7- Meet LSC members in the bar to understand more about the ethos of LSC,
So the above is an invitation for as many Cutters rowers as want to come.
What might be ideal would be to road trailer a Clayton round the night before, then row a galley and SWeare Deep round on the morning. The plan would be to meet 08.30 at the LCRC boat park behind the Mill as usual.....if the event is very well subscribed, some may like to walk over to LSC.
Would anybody be prepared, please, to tow a Clayton (with the SW dolly inside) for the launch and recovery exercises?
To gauge interest, please can you post below. I have spoken to Phil Polwin who is duty row organiser that day and he is happy for us to do this exercise.
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299