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Bank Holiday Fun Day at East Head NOTE CHANGE OF TIME

Posted by Chris Partridge on May 18, 2015; 7:54pm
URL: http://langstone-cutters-rc.175.s1.nabble.com/Bank-Holiday-Fun-Day-at-East-Head-NOTE-CHANGE-OF-TIME-tp4118.html

The Gig Club has kindly extended an invitation to join in their expedition to East Head on Bank Holiday Monday (25th). The plan is to tow boats round to Northney in the morning and launch at the north slipway. In the afternoon we would return directly to the Mill at high water.
Details of the event are as follows, from Brian's post on the gig club forum:
"Following the success of this event last year, The Rowing Committee is supporting a repeat performance on next bank holiday Monday .
 This row is open to all members and their families , you can elect to row or travel by car to East Head , Wittering or if you prefer do a one way row with your partner so you can swop over to  do the return leg by car and transport any young children.
Please BRING A PICNIC  and lots of enthusiasm, we will take our GIG CLUB FUN BAG for ROUNDERS , CRICKET and a  TUG OF WAR and please bring a KITE we will have a prize for the best home made KITE .who knows it may even be swimming weather .
The plan is to have the gigs ready berthed overnight ready to leave at 10.30 am from the Marina , any bulky  gear will be loaded onto vehicles at 10.15 to meet with us at the far westerly end of the West Wittering Car Park , our two club flags will signify the beach landing point at Wittering . Arrival estimated  at 12.30 for rowers to land at Wittering .
High tide is at 6 pm so gigs can be left on the beach anchors will be made available .
The return departure is anticipated at around 4.30 pm to enable us to land on the North Slipway and store the gigs at around 6 pm .
We hope to have a minimum of 3 gigs available , Kath and myself will take our car and set up the flags at East Head and take any bulky items and leave  from the Marina after the row has departed, any other drivers taking vehicles are welcome to join us for the day at Wittering ."
It sounds like a great day out. If you are interested, post here.