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Re: Official guidance for the Magna Carta Relay - please read

Posted by Andrew B on Jun 08, 2015; 5:08pm
URL: http://langstone-cutters-rc.175.s1.nabble.com/Official-guidance-for-the-Magna-Carta-Relay-please-read-tp4221p4305.html

It is with deep sadness that I refer you to Andrew's camping tips, 1,and 2 on Daphne Dog's facebook page


on14th MAy

Here as a starter is Dad's CAMPING TIP No 1:

Why waste money on expensive accessories such as this,


When a plastic milk bottle will do just as well.

2. Oh yes, and here is DAPHNE's camping tip no 2 to read AFTER Dad's camping tip No 1

Errm - when making tea in the morning Dad - make sure you use the right 'milk' bottle won't you. Well it was a bit dark and gloomy. Doh.
