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Re: £668 raised at Macmillan Coffee Morning - THANK YOU!!!

Posted by Sadie snowdon on Sep 26, 2015; 5:51pm
URL: http://langstone-cutters-rc.175.s1.nabble.com/668-raised-at-Macmillan-Coffee-Morning-THANK-YOU-tp5558p5559.html

£680 I'll do £12 x x 

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On 26 Sep 2015, at 18:37, Shellz [via Langstone Cutters RC] <[hidden email]> wrote:

I'm blown away. Such an astonishing turnout, such a great atmosphere, such a great amount of money raised.

Thank you for incorporating cake into your Saturday row.

Thanks to gig/rowing club members who donated money, time, effort, energy and in particular to the kitchen helpers who kept coffee and tea flowing, cut cake, chatted, made non-rowing "random" visitors feel so welcome, and just dug in and got on with things which made the day effortless: Julia, Kim/Kimberley, Chris & Emily and Baby Bump, Robina, Ali, Jackie, the Copelands and Keiran for hanging bunting where us shorties couldn't reach. I'm sure I've forgotten someone on the front line so give yourself a mention below and me a slap on the wrist.

Thank you to those of you who bought raffle tickets, bought sandals, played games and ate vast quantities of cake. So much for me having a 1am crisis thinking we wouldn't have enough!

Thanks to those of you who couldn't make it but either sent cash or donated on the Just Giving page (www.justgiving.com/Shelley-Cook1)

In case you're over at the marina tomorrow for gig rowing, the party continues... all the leftover cake is in the unit for post rowing tomorrow morning. There's an honesty box for donations.

Also left behind is the "Spot the Cake" game in case anyone else wants a go. £2 a guess will win you half the kitty, just pop your name onto the page and I'll collect it and the honesty box tomorrow after rowing. I've brought the answer home with me and will reveal it tomorrow afternoon.

You guys rock!!

Shel x

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