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Moonlight Row Thurs Oct 13 CANCELLED - NOW TONIGHT!

Posted by Chris Partridge on Sep 26, 2016; 8:39am
URL: http://langstone-cutters-rc.175.s1.nabble.com/Moonlight-Row-Thurs-Oct-13-CANCELLED-NOW-TONIGHT-tp9202.html

People have been asking about moonlight rows, which are magical experiences. A whole bunch of things have to happen at the same time for it to be possible, however, including clear skies, a reasonably big moon, early moonrise and evening high tide.
The next best opportunity will be on Thursday Oct 13 when the moon will be at at 92.7% illumination and rises at 17.10. High water is at 22.04.
If the sky is clear and wind moderate I suggest we meet by torchlight at 20.00 and get out there, possibly visiting the Ferryboat.