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Posted by Swimminglynn-2 on Oct 18, 2016; 1:32pm
URL: http://langstone-cutters-rc.175.s1.nabble.com/FAMILY-HALLOWEEN-PARTY-AND-GHOST-WALK-SATURDAY-29TH-OCTOBER-tp9341p9460.html

Hi Sharon, Jeremy and I are new to the club and would like to come to this and bring the children. Can I book tickets please and transfer the money to you?

Many Thanks Lynn

On 7 October 2016 at 18:04, sharon [via Langstone Cutters RC] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Tickets are now on sale for the Halloween Party on Saturday October 29th 2016.
Adults £10ph
Under 16's £5ph.

Price includes:
The amazing Newberyz Band who will be belting out some spooky tunes along with other dance classics.
Those of you who saw them at the Regatta after party can attest to how entertaining they were.
Hot Dogs
Spiced Pumpkin soup and rolls

Bring your own refreshments.

Brian is organising a ghost walk for anyone who would like to take part and will provide further information on this.
The ghost walk will commence at approximately 6pm and will finish at the village hall at 7pm in time for the evening entertainment.

Fancy dress is very welcome but you don't have to if its not your thing.

Please can any children attending bring a carved pumpkin that we can use as part of the decorations and of course you can take them home afterwards.

Please let me know if and how many will be taking part in the ghost walk. Please make payment to

S. Hunt
First Direct (HSBC)

Please also let me know how many tickets you are paying for and the split of Junior  and adults.

The party will be at Northney Village hall from 7pm - 10.30pm.

I will also be holding a tombola, one for the adults and one for the children so if you have anything that you can donate, please can you leave it in the unit marked for my attention.

All family and friends are very welcome to attend.


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