25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

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25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Lesley Grainger
Dear All,

I am seeking help with putting up the decorations on Sunday morning at 9.30 and clearing away after 3.30pm please.

 I have had some members who have kindly offered their services but I need more especially for the clear up at 3.30pm

Bunting, a banner and balloons will need to be put up – (Mike G to supply 2 x step ladders) (Balloons will already be blown up so no puff needed.

Gazebo to be erected if weather forecast predicts rain. At the moment it is showing a lovely sunny day.

3 x tables to set up to display the photo boards (photo boards will already be prepared but will need carrying to the boat park)

Boat covers taken off and to decorate with ribbons, flags and names.

Please contact me if you have any queries.

Thank you & let’s enjoy a lovely celebration of The Langstone Cutters 25th Anniversary.

Lesley G
07921 135897
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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

I will help at both ends of the day X
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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
I’ll try to be there to help at both ends of the party.
If you want any specifics, Lesley, please email me to let me know.
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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Pam P
In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
Tinkerbell will help at both ends......
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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Kim Macdonald
In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
I’m happy to help both times

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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Rich Beard
In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
Lesley. Jo and I will be around to clear up at the end !
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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Lynn Murray
In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
Chris and I can be there to set up Lesley.
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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Vince Ibbs
In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
Hi Lesley

I'll be there to help at both ends.......
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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Mike Lowery
In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
Can help out from 3.00

OK.  Mike L
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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Mo Evans
In reply to this post by Kim Macdonald
I will be there as soon as I can - have a guest leaving on Sunday - and can help clear up at the end.
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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Steph Savill
In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
Hi Lesley

I can help at 09.30 not sure for clearing up at the end though but should be OK.

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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Lesley Grainger
In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
Thank you for all your offers of help, gratefully accepted. See you all on Sunday including all of you that I've spoken to before at the times you can make it. Lesley G x
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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Marilyn Rogers
In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
I wil l help both ends. Marilyn.
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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Matt O’Neill
In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
Obviously I’ll be there at 9:30 sorting the pub and until the end…just direct me where you need me
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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Andrew & Julie Rooker
In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
Julie and Andrew will help clear up
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Re: 25th Anniversary Party 23rd June 2024 – PLEASE READ Help required

Greg Spencer
In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
Lesley - I will help tidy away afterwards - Greg