Thursday seems the best day weather wise this week with high tide of 13:11 and SE/ESE 10 mph winds predicted and no rain. Suggest we meet at the mill 11:00 and decide where to go on the day. Maybe for those hardy souls swim wear could be brought in case we go somewhere that would allow a swim! Cheers ~ Ron and Cheryl
Hiya guys
I'm game please.
Best keep an eye on the weather as Wednesday forecast is looking quite good while a low is whizzing across the Atlantic which could impact upon Thursday?
Sadly work is getting in the way this week. But if you go out on Thursday I may follow in a teifi around 1pm when I'm free. Wednesday does look good but I cannot do anytime that day.
Andy, met weather forecast for WEDNESDAY is 40% chance of rain 11:00, 10% chance of rain 12:00 - 14:00 and cloudy, 30% chance of rain 15:00 onwards. THURSDAY is 10% chance of rain 10:00 - 12:00, 5% chance of rain 13:00 - 16:00 and sunny. Winds for Wednesday forecast at 8 mph westerly. Winds for Thursday forecast at 12 - 13 mph east south east. High tide Wednesday is 12:26 (4.7m). High tide Thursday 13:11 (4.8m). So all round, hopefully, Thursday looks better. Have to pick one day so rowers can commit. See you Thursday ~ Ron and Cheryl
Sorry matey, I didnt mean to put you to any trouble and the weather system whizzing in from the Atlantic is tracking up through the Midlands and missing us thankfully.
Thursday sounds spot on to me.
If we are taking Sallyport, we need to grab an Anchor as she was without one during the Saturday evening row.
Do we have a full crew?
With South easterlies forecast, Ferry boat would be one good option?
Christine may follow later after work. Mike Gilbert might row but has not confirmed. So one more would be good for a row to the Ferryboat for a pint. Can you resist it? ~ Ron and Cheryl