Anyone interested in a bank holiday row?

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Anyone interested in a bank holiday row?

Is anyone interested in a Monday row for about 2 hours (as the tides are neapish with a range of only 2.5 metres tomorrow)at 3-30 pm?
     I can't promise anyone quite such glorious weather as we had today, but it should be OK with wind SSE F3/4 and an air temperature of about 15 degC. Don't forget that sea temperatures have only warmed up to about 9/10 degC, so if you are coming along please bring warm clothing!
Let me know if you are coming.....
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Re: Anyone interested in a bank holiday row?

Chris Partridge
I was going to do some work but the weather is TOO GOOD so I'll be rowing instead.
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Re: Anyone interested in a bank holiday row?

Ian Maclennan
In reply to this post by Nigel
I'm up for a row, see you at 3.30 p.m. down there....  Ian