Bembridge row for Round IoW girls

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Bembridge row for Round IoW girls

The Round IoW crew would like to take Bembridge out for a row this evening.  Is there anything we need to know or is she ok to just launch at the main slip and return to the compound afterwards?

Shel x
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Re: Bembridge row for Round IoW girls

Mike Gilbert

You can use the Gig dollies to move her across and launch. We did it Friday night...

Mike Gilbert
Langstone Adventure Rowing
m 07767 350512

On 28 Jul 2014 10:09, "Shellz [via Langstone Cutters RC]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
The Round IoW crew would like to take Bembridge out for a row this evening.  Is there anything we need to know or is she ok to just launch at the main slip and return to the compound afterwards?

Shel x

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Re: Bembridge row for Round IoW girls

In reply to this post by Shellz
Fab, cheers Mike.

What's the pin money due?
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Re: Bembridge row for Round IoW girls

Chris Partridge
£2 each.
The heatwave means she is leaking quite a lot - you will need to use the pump. And the diaphragm is going so best take a bailer as well...
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Re: Bembridge row for Round IoW girls

Cheers Chris, will collect double next time out!!

It was interesting to watch the water dribble in through the boards. Pump held out but there is a piece missing from stroke seat foot adjustment "ribs". Has Geoff been made aware?
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Re: Bembridge row for Round IoW girls

Yes I let Geoff know. It happened last Friday.